Thursday, December 26, 2013

Orb of Truth by Brae Wyckoff-5 stars

Wyckoff, Brae, The Orb of Truth. Amazon Digital Services, 2012. Pgs. 233. $12.99

When Bridazak and his friend, Dulgin, a fellow Ordakian, discover a mysterious, magical artifact, they never imagined how much their lives would change. Thrust into an adventure that will challenge their faith, their purpose, and everything they know about life, they must cross the realm of Ruauk-El to fulfill an age-old prophecy that will herald the return of God, the City of Righteousness, and the days of old. There is an ancient evil, however, who will do anything to stop the prophecy from coming true, and he has enlisted the help of the two’s old enemy, King Manasseh. The two will encounter many new friends, lots of danger, and even more enemies. Will they succeed in fulfilling the prophecy or will the ancient evil take over?

A great adventure filled with action, old truths, and good vs. evil. The characters are entertaining and well-developed. The plot is intense, well-written, and engrossing. The author does a great job of implementing different plot devices such as cliffhangers that make it really hard to put the book down. Not to be read while trying to go to bed, readers who like fantasy and adventure will plow through this book easily and quickly an eagerly await the next one.
5 stars. MS, HS.