Friday, May 25, 2012

The Limit by Kristen Landon-4.5 stars

Landon, Kristen, The Limit. Aladdin, 2010. Pgs. 291.

When his family goes over their debt limit, Matt is sent to live at a government workhouse to pay off the debt. When he gets there, however, he discovers that everyone is getting sick and disappearing. As he dives in to the inner workings of the government and their debt rehabilitation facilities (workhouses), he discovers some dangerous secrets that could cause his death. Only problem is, he can’t reach the outside world. To make matters worse, his kid sister has been sucked into it as well and is sick.  Will he find a way to expose the workhouses for what they are? Will he ever escape? Will he save his sister?

The characters are likable and entertaining.  The plot is suspenseful, fast-paced, and unique. If you like science fiction, mystery, and dystopian-type fiction you'll enjoy reading this book.

Grades 5 to 9. 4.5 stars.

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